Today's life made easy

The company thinks of its workers, its suppliers, its territory and society in general, without forgetting those groups that are in most need.
modus vivendi
Internally, the company has been implementing measures in favour of work-life balance, equal opportunities, decent work and the integration of people with disabilities for decades.
The generation that runs the company today has inherited the way of life of their parents and grandparents. A modus vivendi based on the concepts of an honest domestic economy, solidarity and respect for people, traditions and the environment.
For the citizens of Pedreguer it is a source of pride that, despite its enormous growth, the company is still located in the town where it was born.
There is no doubt that it is an inseparable part of the social landscape of the region and an institution whose international projection always goes hand in hand with its roots.
Commitment to equal opportunities
Rolser Group declares its commitment to development of policies that integrate equal opportunities between women and men.

Rolser helping the most vulnerable groups.
Rolser collaborates with various non-governmental organisations such as the Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR), Cáritas, the Vicente Ferrer Foundation, the Ronald McDonald Foundation, the Blas Méndez Ponce Foundation (dedicated to children and teenagers undergoing cancer treatment), as well as various local and regional associations which ensure, among others, that the rights of people with mental health problems or acquired brain damage are respected.
Fostering sports
Rolser sponsors various sports organisations such as Club Esportiu Pedreguer and Joventut Pedreguer (both men’s football) and CB Rolser Pedreguer (both men’s and women’s basketball).
The company also sponsors the Valencian pelota player Pere Ribes and, since last year, has been organising the Trofeu Rolser de Raspall Femenino (a form of Valencian pelota).
Rolser Server i Pérez Foundation
It was created in 1994 as a result of the decision of the Server Pérez family to donate an organ to the Santa Creu church in Pedreguer.
An action orchestrated by the master organ builder Gerhard Grenzing that did not stop after the donation, but gave way to this foundation born to give continuity both to the organ project and to many other initiatives of a cultural and social nature. The free transfer of the family home to Pedreguer Town Council and an agreement with the Baleària Foundation are some of these initiatives.